It’s tough trying to decorate your home by yourself. If you’re way good at it, YAY! But, if not, you need to hire a decorator. Here’s 10 reasons why you need to get some help…
- You’re not good with colors… any colors.
- You just need a paint color for your kitchen, or bath, or bedroom that coordinates with the rest of your home.
- You don’t know your design style.
- You don’t like to shop or just don’t like to shop for stuff in your home.
- You don’t know the best way to layout your furniture.
- You’re increasing the number of people in your house (i.e. new baby or moving with new hubby) and need to maximize a small home.
- You’re ashamed to have company over, because you don’t like the way your home “looks”.
- You host a lot of parties, but never feel like your space accommodates your guests well enough.
- You don’t like to decorate and/or don’t have the time for it.
- You want to use the same furnishings in your home to “redecorate”, but don’t know how.
So, do you need a designer/decorator? There are many more signs/reasons why someone should hire someone to help them with space planning and decorating, can you think of more?
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I think I need one!!! Although I am getting better at it I think my biggest issue is procrastination because I am unsure. I bet a decorator would help me fix that. Thanks Whitney!
Andrea @the Distracted recently posted…Follow Through Friday: Zucchinis, Mt Foldmore, and Guest Posts.
Great post and reasons….I think I can relate to about 50% of those reasons to hire a decorate:/
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