Today is Day 3 of my 10 Days to an Organized Home challenge!
The 10 Days to an Organized Home Challenge (#10DaysOH) is all about freeing your home of access clutter and making it more functional. We’ll be working each day in another part of your home to get rid of things that you don’t need and make a designated place for everything that you do need. (I know I’ve said this already, but I gotta make sure new people know what’s going on here – hehe.)
If you’re just joining in on the challenge, check out Day 1: the Kitchen and Day 2: the Pantry.
Here are your tasks for today:
- Remove anything that doesn’t belong
- Organize your dresser drawers
- Declutter the top of your dresser and/or nightstands

The bedroom can be pretty simple, because all you really need in there is a bed and some sort of clothes storage, like a dresser and/or chest of drawers. Nightstands are awesome, but they aren’t necessary. Even though bedrooms may not have a lot of furniture, they usually end up with the most clutter, because it’s usually the first and last place we end up each day. If there is any room in your home that deserves to be organized, it’s your bedroom (after the kitchen, of course) – It should be a sanctuary that you can relax and refresh in.
1. Remove anything that doesn’t belong.
This is pretty self-explanatory. First, remove everything out of your bedroom. If it doesn’t belong, get rid of it. Mugs, toys, bills, or whatever else – throw it away or move it to another room.
2. Organize your dresser drawers
Fold ALL your clothes
I almost cringed when I wrote that, because I suffer from this everyday, but in order to keep your dresser organized, your clothes must be folded. Try to make a habit of folding your clothes each time you do laundry. Don’t know how to fold clothes? This video shows you how.
Separate your clothes by type
Shirts should go in one drawer, shorts in another, underwear should be grouped together… You get the deal. I like to use the top drawers for toiletries and underwear. My middle drawers are reserved for shirts and nightwear and the bottom drawers are reserved for all the bottoms (shorts, skirts, and leisure pants).
Put your clothes in the drawers standing up, instead of laying down
This is important. If you have your clothes folded and lay them all down one on top of the other, you won’t be able to see the clothes under the items on top. If you stack each piece one BEHIND the other, you’ll be able to see exactly what you have in the drawer. You won’t have to take clothes out to see what’s at the bottom of your drawers.

Use small containers to hold small items
If you store your jewelry in your drawers, you should try organizing your pieces with small containers to separate them. You can use inexpensive plastic storage boxes or small, decorative bowls.
Use dividers to separate your socks and undies
I love to see dividers used to separate socks and underwear. You can separate them by color, type, or how ever else you’d like. You can purchase dividers at most big box stores or you can make your own. Check out this one using shoe boxes.

3. Declutter the top of your dresser and/or nightstands

I don’t like having an empty surface (unless it’s in my kitchen) on my dresser. I like to have cute decorative accessories or some kind of functional storage. One of the things that I love to see on nightstands and dressers are decorative trays. They are perfect for corralling small items and jewelry. You can also use them for other accessories, like sunglasses. On your nightstand, you can use a small tray for your lotions, books, and anything else you use while in the bed.
Follow these steps to organize the top of your dresser or nightstand:
- Clear everything off the dresser
- Wipe your dresser down with a duster or mild detergent
- Throw away what you don’t need
- Remove what doesn’t belong and needs to be sent to another spot in the home
- Place a tray to group items so that they aren’t aimlessly hanging out on top of the dresser
- Get a jewelry organizer to stylishly hold your jewelry (if needed)

***These are affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if a purchase is made. Any item that I suggest is always either one that I have, one that I want, or one that I thoroughly researched to make sure it was a quality product.***
Now, I want to see how YOU organize YOUR bedroom. Make sure you share photos on social media with the hashtag #10DaysOH. I hope this post helps! If you have any questions, leave me a comment below or come join my Decor & DIY facebook group.
I want to thank the sponsors that are giving away some awesome products throughout the challenge: Angioletti Designs, The Mad Platters, Gneiss Spice, & Sweet Water Decor. Today, I’ll share the winner of our first giveaway on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
If you’re looking for more tips to complete your assignment for today, check out our challenge Pinterest board below. There are lots of pins that can inspire you. Be sure to follow the board. If you want to pin to the board, send me an email at hello[at]whitneyjdecor[dot]com.
I want to know what’s on your dresser? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Till next time,
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