Entering the One Room Challenge
The One Room Challenge started yesterday and I’m super excited to join in. I’ve actually tried to join and finish two projects last year for both the Spring and Fall One Room Challenges. In the Spring, I tried to tackle a client’s dining room (which I’ve since completed – check it out here), but we had some delays that kept me from keeping up with the One Room Challenge. In the Fall, I entered the One Room Challenge to complete my bedroom in our last apartment, but we decided that we would be moving and I could no longer justify purchasing anything or making any other updates in my apartment.
So now that we’re in our new home (did you see the home tour?), I’m finally ready to start and FINISH a room for the One Room Challenge.
This Spring, I’m joining with our kitchen mini-reno! Make sure you’re (1) signed up to my email list and (2) following me on Instagram to keep up with all the updates.
I’m also excited to share that I’ll have video updates for each of the next 5 weeks of the One Room Challenge, so make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel.
The Kitchen Before
So, although our home is in excellent condition, it’s really dated. There’s brown trim and doors everywhere, dated carpet, and this epoxy-type floor all over the kitchen and hallways. The kitchen was the first room that I KNEW we were going to have to have redone, but right now we’re not prepared to do a full renovation.
Here’s what the kitchen looked like when we purchased our home a month ago.
As you can see, it needs a lot of work! We’re tall folk (I’m 5’10 and Shawn is even taller), so that drop ceiling does not work for us at all.
Also, the kitchen is small, but it’s a lot more spacious in person than it looks in photos. Shawn and I can both work comfortably in there together.
One day, we plan to remove that left wall, which connects to our living room, but that’ll be a few years away. It opens up pretty well to the space already, so the current layout works for now.
Initial Plans for the Kitchen
I want our kitchen to be really bright, so I’m going all white on the cabinets. There isn’t really wall space for art or much counter space for fun accessorizing, so I have to be really creative when it comes to injecting some fun style to this room. I’m hoping to find the perfect fabric to make my roman shade and bring some color into functional pieces that can sit on the counter. I initially wanted to do a tile on the floor, but think it might be best bring in the laminate floors from the living room.
There is A LOT to do. I’ll share the exact “design” plan next week, but here’s the definite tasks that’ll be happening here:
- Remove drop ceiling
- Install laminate wood flooring
- Remove and replace backsplash
- Replace upper cabinet doors
- Paint all cabinets white
- Get new countertops
- Make and install fabric roman shade for window
- Make concrete flower pot for the windowsill
- Get new microwave, dishwasher, and stove (we already purchased a new fridge)
Room Inspiration
I’ll let you in on the exact plan in Week 2, but for now, I’ll leave you with some room inspiration for the kitchen transformation.

So, will you be following along? I can’t wait to share more details about my kitchen! Got any tips for mini-renos? Leave them below in the comment section!
Till next time,
You kitchen is gonna be fab. I cannot wait!!!